The Best Firewood for Your Wood Fired Oven: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Firewood for Your Wood Fired Oven: A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Best Firewood to Use in a Wood Fired Oven?

If you have a wood fired oven, you know how satisfying it is to cook delicious pizzas, breads, and other dishes with the authentic wood-fired flavor. But to get the best results, you need to use the right type of firewood. Not all wood is the same, and some types are better suited for wood fired cooking than others.

In this blog post, we will explain the differences between softwoods and hardwoods, and why hardwoods are generally the best choice for wood fired ovens. We will also recommend some of the best firewood types for wood fired ovens, such as red oak, white oak, beech, and olive wood.

Softwoods vs. Hardwoods: What's the Difference?

The main difference between softwoods and hardwoods is the type of trees they come from. Softwoods come from coniferous trees, which usually have needles and cones, and are evergreen. Examples of softwoods are pine, cedar, spruce, and fir.

Hardwoods come from angiosperm trees, which usually have broad leaves that shed every autumn. Examples of hardwoods are red oak, white oak, olive, and beech.

Another difference is the structure and composition of the wood. Hardwoods have vessel elements that transport water and nutrients throughout the wood. These elements appear as pores under a microscope, and give hardwoods a heavier and more pronounced grain.

Softwoods have a simpler cellular structure than hardwoods. They have tracheids that transport water and produce sap, but they do not have pores. This makes softwoods lighter and smoother than hardwoods.

Why are Hardwoods Better for Wood Fired Ovens?

There are several reasons why hardwoods are better for wood fired ovens than softwoods. Here are some of them:

  • Hardwoods burn hotter and longer than softwoods. This is because hardwoods have a higher density and lower moisture content than softwoods. Hardwoods can reach temperatures of over 750°F, which is ideal for wood fired cooking. Softwoods burn faster and cooler, and may not produce enough heat for a wood fired oven.
  • Hardwoods produce less smoke and ash than softwoods. This is because hardwoods have less sap and resin than softwoods. Sap and resin can cause a lot of smoke and creosote, which can affect the flavor and quality of the food, and also damage the oven. Hardwoods burn cleaner and more efficiently, and leave less residue behind.
  • Hardwoods have a better flavor and aroma than softwoods. This is because hardwoods have more complex and diverse compounds than softwoods. Hardwoods can impart a subtle smoky flavor and a pleasant fragrance to the food, enhancing its taste and appeal. Softwoods have a more bland and generic flavor, and may even give the food a bitter or sour taste.

What are the Best Firewood Types for Wood Fired Ovens?

While most hardwoods are suitable for wood fired ovens, some are better than others. Here are some of the best firewood types for wood fired ovens, and why they are recommended:

  • Red oak: Red oak is one of the most popular and widely available hardwoods for wood fired ovens. It has a high heat output, a long burn time, and a mild and sweet flavor. It is also easy to split and store. Red oak is great for pizzas, breads, meats, and vegetables.
  • White oak: White oak is similar to red oak, but has a slightly higher density and heat output. It also has a longer burn time, and a more intense and nutty flavor. White oak is excellent for roasting, grilling, and smoking.
  • Beech: Beech is another hardwood that has a high heat output and a long burn time. It has a low smoke and ash production, and a light and delicate flavor. Beech is ideal for baking, roasting, and grilling.
  • Olive wood: Olive wood is a hardwood that comes from olive trees. It has a high heat output and a long burn time. It has low smoke and ash production, and a rich and fruity flavor. Olive wood is perfect for pizzas, breads, fish, and poultry.


Wood fired ovens are a great way to cook delicious and authentic dishes with a wood-fired flavor. But to get the best results, you need to use the right type of firewood. Hardwoods are generally the best choice for wood fired ovens, because they burn hotter, longer, cleaner, and more flavorful than softwoods.

Some of the best firewood types for wood fired ovens are red oak, white oak, beech, and olive wood. These hardwoods have a high heat output, a long burn time, a low smoke and ash production, and a distinct and pleasant flavor. They are suitable for various wood fired cooking methods, such as baking, roasting, grilling, and smoking.

We hope this blog post has helped you understand the differences between softwoods and hardwoods, and why hardwoods are better for wood fired ovens. We also hope you have learned some of the best firewood types for wood fired ovens, and how they can enhance your wood fired cooking experience.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you. And if you are looking for a wood fired oven for your home or business, please check out our website for more information. We have a wide range of high-quality and affordable wood fired ovens that can suit your needs and preferences.

Thank you for reading, and happy wood fired cooking!


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